Photomare: ilumination

Photomare: ilumination

After a short journey, eDrónica has started its participation in the “PhotoMARE” project co-financed by SODERCAN and in which the CompluTIG company, the University of Cantabria (Fótonica Engineering Group) and the Santander headquarters of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography participate. (IEO).

With the title “Integrated System of Underwater Photogrammetry for High Resolution Cartography of Bentonic Habitats and Inspection of Submerged Installations in Marine Renewable Energy Projects”, aims to develop a submarine photogrammetry system for the reconstruction of underwater structures and funds of interest in the world of renewable energies.

eDrónica is responsible for the development of new technology to be installed in the underwater vehicle “Politolana” developed by the IEO, especially the development of a new absolute positioning system, high capacity telemetry, and the integration of all systems in the ROV.

By February 2018, two large-scale measurement campaigns had already been carried out, demonstrating the proper functioning of the prototypes. The project ends with the validation of the systems developed in an inspection campaign for the wreck “Río Miera”, submerged off the coast of Santander.


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